Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Big Announcement!

It's true! We have a baby on the way.

I really thought that I would never be able to do this post. I have prayed and prayed to become a Mommy and the Lord has blessed us with a beautiful gift that is growing inside of me.

I am seven weeks pregnant. I have never felt more exhausted in my life. There are dishes in the sink that have been for a few days and laundry is piling up because I have not had the energy to do anything! Steve has been a big help with taking Gunyr out for potty time and makes sure I take a walk at least once a day (usually we have our nightly family walks) for my health and sanity but besides that, I really have no idea how women are able to work in their first trimester. I would not be able to do it. I am just exhausted! Just a few more weeks (five, to be exact) until I am on my way out of my first trimester and on to having more energy (so I have read in my pregnancy books). But besides exhaustion, bloat, and a few cramps, I really have nothing to complain about. No morning sickness yet and hopefully not at all.

How we found out!
Early June 2013, I started cramping just like I always did right before a period. I even started it, so I thought, but realized it was spotting once my period never did start. I started getting real excited and thought it may be time to take a pregnancy test. I was sorta weary since I was cramping that maybe my period would start up soon since I had been irregular for a few years now. We decided to buy a cheap test since I really doubted I was pregnant but kept my hopes high. I eagerly awaited the next morning to take it and it had a very faint pink pregnant line. I desperately scoured the internet for other people who have had faint lines to see if they were ever confirmed pregnant or otherwise.

I decided to wait two very long agonizing days to test again. I got up at 4am on June 15th, just because I couldn't sleep and just had to know.  That test pretty much screamed Pregnant. Praise the Lord! I paced around for a bit trying to comprehend what I had just found out. It seemed like a dream. I had always thought we couldn't have kids because we have tried before and it never happened. I realize now, it had to happen on Gods time.

I asked my husband to come in to the bathroom and told him to look at the test. For the last couple days he had said he just knew I was pregnant, but a second test confirming it just made him beam with pride and gave me a big hug. I spent the whole morning reading my What to Expect book, learning so much, and telling my husband over and over again that I could not believe this is reality.
I was really surprised to learn while reading my book, that when you conceive, doctors consider you already 2 weeks pregnant. So I guess that makes me 5 weeks pregnant when I found out. (I know our conceive date, May 26, since I have been tracking my cycles as well as when we tried to conceive).

Well I am really excited to experience this short season of life called Pregnancy.  I can see many pregnancy journal updates and sewing for baby posts in the future.

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