Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentine

 Happy Valentines Day! We woke up this morning to a Winter wonder land. I am pretty sure this is the first time I have seen snow on Valentines day. Even last year, the snow was gone by now. Germany sure has some crazy weather. Blizzard one minute and summer day the next.
View of Oak Street from our balcony.
 When Steve came home from work, he got changed in to his "dress up"clothes and presented me like this..
How would YOU like to have this blocking your only exit of the house? He has the KY and everything.  Baha! We had a lot fun with this photo. But the sweet part is he brought me home a box of chocolates and a card.. a sweet written card. I don't think you understand. This is the first card he has ever given me. EVER! I will cherish it forever.

While Steve was at work, I had fun with Tubbles Valentines photo. She is in her "Kissing Booth".
At first she was excited, then no one came, starting to think it was a bad idea, then "screw this"!
Since we are so close to ETSing and trying to scrounge every penny, we made the decision to not buy anything real crazy because we have so much to pay for and already knee deep with this move. So we went out to dinner.
We went to the Delphi Greek restaurant. It is so pretty inside. They were playing some high energy Greek music.
Inside Delphi
 Today on AFN (Armed Forces Network) the radio program on Military installations, they were teaching the listeners how to speak a few German words. So when we went to the restaurant, I was going to impress Steve with my new knowledge of how to say Chicken in German. I said "hee haw" as I heard it on the radio, when really it was pronounced Hähnchen. Wow, I sure looked like an idiot. But it gave us something to laugh about the rest of the night. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. It was well needed.
Steve's wine glass where he pours his own wine out of a pot.

Appetizers. Mine-baked veggies with cheese. Steve's-cheese stuffed eggplant

main course. mine-Greek salad with goat cheese. Steve's- Sword fish with potatoes.

My Valentine and I after dinner

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